
Draw Lines in the Sand to Jumpstart Virtual Team

Virtual teams are hard to see. That’s why the boundaries that define the scope, accountabilities, roles, reporting relationships, tasks and deliverables can be pretty tough to grasp. That is, if they exist at all. Why? Some teams simply assume that everyone has a shared understanding of the big picture. If that’s true, the thinking goes, […]

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Nine Hidden Assumptions That Can Kill (Virtual) Collaboration

Manager: “Look, I know I said you could work from wherever you wanted, as long as you got the job done. And yes, I appreciate that you’ve arranged your entire schedule accordingly. Of course, you’re doing a great job! (Well, at least I think you are.) It’s just that the leadership around here believes that

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Virtual Meetings

Designing and running virtual  and hybrid meetings that keep people engaged and achieve results is hard work. That’s because many people see virtual meetings as a great chance to get other “more important” work without anyone noticing. Without continual engagement in relevant conversations, participants are likely to tune out, hang back or drift away. If

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Facilitation Skills Training – Delivered Live, Onsite

Whether our clients need help facilitating in-person meetings, virtual conversations, or both, we customize our facilitation skills training workshops to reflect the needs of each client group. Participants learn and apply concepts, tips and methods through interactive discussions, breakouts, simulations and case studies. A rich reference guide provides dozens of tools and templates for use

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News & Events

Facilitation skills training workshop delivered onsite, virtually, or both! For busy clients who want to pack in a lot of learning into a short amount of time, we also offer a one-day facilitation skills workshop, with an option for a follow-on 90-minute virtual workshop to demonstrate best practices in designing and running effective virtual meetings.

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