Onsite Meeting Facilitation Services
The fact is many meetings are poorly designed and badly run. Brainpower is left untapped, precious time is squandered, opportunities are missed, and money is often wasted. Organizations like the National Park Service, IBM, the Consortium for Energy Efficiency, and NRG Oncology have turned to Guided Insights when they need to make sure that their meetings harness the best thinking from diverse perspectives, achieve desired outcomes more quickly, and leave everyone feeling that their time was respected.
Here are some of the guidelines we use when we design and facilitate productive meetings that our clients rave about:
- People become engaged only when they have meaningful opportunities to interact
- All voices are heard in the way most comfortable for them
- Agendas should be realistic and created to support clearly-stated goals
- Participants can only contribute successfully if they know what’s expected of them
- Disagreement and debate often produce the best ideas
- Participants share responsibility for creating and living by shared norms
Wondering how I can help?

Let’s schedule a 30-minute meeting so we can explore how to work together to address your most pressing challenges.
Client Testimonials
"Nancy was incredibly easy to work with. Her interest and flexibility in addressing multi-cultural facilitation issues was truly refreshing and very helpful."
Nina PruynCapacity Development Manager, Grant Management Solutions
“Nancy has facilitated sessions for my IT senior leadership development forum. She is an excellent facilitator and listens deeply in group settings.”
Bart BoltonFacilitator, Lifetime Learning
“Nancy facilitated our senior management group in a multi-day offsite workshop. She spent time with each member of the global team in advance to ensure that she was well-prepared. Using input from her interviews, Nancy crafted and led a powerful and productive workshop that helped our team to remove barriers, provide a common language, and improve collaboration.”
Don DeLauderVice President, Program Management Office, BU Patient Monitoring, Draeger Medical Systems, Inc.
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